Been There for Self Care: IV Drip Therapy

I always tell my daughter that my super power is finding people that are better at me than things and then letting them shine. This power has guided me to the most badass group of friends who always seem to expose me to new ways to thrive. One such friend told me about MSW Lounge in Austin, TX. This hidden gem offers IV drips, chiropractic work, nutritional supplements, and so much more. The owners are a dynamic duo of kind, friendly and passionate men who are super pleasant to chat with and ooze competence.


The set up is funky and comfortable and you feel like you’re hanging out in someones professional back yard treehouse. They have a series of options to choose from and I opted for the immune-boosting IV drip which is a concoction of awesomeness to keep my body healthy — even more important during pandemic times. I chose a comfy couch and pulled out a book. The IV insertion was painless and the bag happily dripped nourishment into my veins as I read, relaxed and chatted with various other friendly clients.

There is no attempt to upsell clients and the overall vibe is a focus on community health and wellness. The owners offer weekly lunch & learn opportunities and are committed to educating the public on true holistic health options.

I’d recommend wearing an extra layer as I got a bit chilly towards the end, and be sure to not schedule yourself too tightly because the IV drip speed is dependent on your body. Mine took around 45 minutes give or take.

I felt incredibly relaxed for the remainder of the day, but also had plenty of energy and wasn’t even tempted to drink my forbidden -yet common- afternoon cup of coffee. Prevention is often harder to track, but my body felt fantastic and my brain felt clearer than normal. It was a very pleasant experience and I will be back for sure.

Definitely a GO THERE for self care!



HOW THE HECK do I find an acupuncturist?!

If you are new to acupuncture or new to an area and looking for an acupuncturist, it can feel daunting. Luckily, How the Heck Babes looped in a third #BostonBabe, Jimmy, to cover tips and tricks to find the perfect practitioner for you. Learn more about what to look for and what questions to ask! Me, Nicole and Jimmy offer insights about costs, insurance, legalities and accreditation, types of therapies, specialties and style of care.

For more about Jimmy Chung Duong, and care near Boston, visit & of course, for care in Austin you have me at Valentine Care &/or Nicole:

Because we love you and want you to get the VERY BEST care no no matter where you are, here is a printable checklist to help in your search: CHECKLIST

The full video can be found at