Acupuncture is a beautiful and powerful medicine where tiny needles are inserted into specific points in the body to optimize function, promote healing, and calm the nervous system. Book a session and learn how truly healthy you can become.
Other needle-free modalities include:
Tuina: a form of Asian bodywork similar to massage.
Cupping: using suction cups to create space in the body tissue and promote circulation.
Guasha: using a tool to ‘scrape’ the body to facilitate circulation.
Chinese Herbs: prescribing specific herbs based on each specific patient’s needs to maximize health and support the body’s natural healing process.
Moxibustion/Moxa: igniting the mugwort herb on top of needles or directly on the body to enhance circulation and bring extra warmth and nourishment.
Acu-pressure/Acu-laser: using various tools to activate acu-points without needle insertion
Much more: electrical stimulation, magnet therapy, nutrition support, stretching/posture support, etc.
Read more at AOMA Blog: Jenna Valentine: Psychology Major & Youth Counselor, turned Acupuncture Student
Doctorate of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine (DACM) from PCHS
Masters of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (MAcOM) from AOMA
Microneedling for Acupuncturists
International Cupping Therapy Association (ICTA) Certification
Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice (AFMCP-IFM) Certification
NADA Certified, Acudetox Specialist
AOBTA-CP, Certified Tuina Practitioner
including training in Pediatric Tuina in both China and United States.
Shiraku Seminar: Specialized Japanese Bloodletting & Cupping Therapies
Acupuncture on Musculoskeletal Disorders- Soft Tissue Injuries
Functional Endocrinology & Functional Blood Chemistry Seminars
Studied at Chengdu University of TCM & Interned at Chengdu Hospital
Neoclassical Pulse Diagnosis
Acupuncturists Without Borders
CPR for healthcare practitioners
Memberships with NADA, TAAOM, AIHM, AOBTA