Covid-19 has really turned our world upside down. We are being inundated by strong yet conflicting opinions and we never know if we are over or under-reacting in any given moment. It’s hard, disorienting, and stressful. Whenever I feel this level of uncertainty and complexity, I try to take a step back and remind myself of the basic foundation of what we already know.
The virus is a pathogen. It wants to get into our body and create a new life for itself. It is looking for the easiest way to do this with the least resistance.
Our body is a protector. It wants to stay kick out any intruders. A healthy immune system is an inhospitable host for a virus. A healthy immune system is the equivalent of a bad hotel review on Trip Advisor - as a virus is looking for a place to stay it’s going to go to the 5-star recommendations of people with weakened immune systems.
If a virus were rating your body in terms of an accommodating host, where would you rank?
We know how to create an unwelcoming environment for a virus: healthy food, vitamins/supplements, sunshine/nature, exercise, restful sleep, laughter, meditation, sex, water, stress reduction. Living a life in balance.
There are lots of specific recommendations around each of these basic, foundational elements of health and I’m happy to talk more with you about this to create an optimal plan for your individual health.
It was sad to see Instagram remove the #naturalimmunity. I hope they’ve put it back online when this is published. I’m not sure why that happened, but it seems like the conservative Western medical practitioners don’t want some of the more ‘alternative’ modalities being shared. I’m not sure why it can’t be a: let’s benefit from both approach. We can have vaccines AND high dosing of vitamin D, C and zinc. We can have respirators AND Chinese herbs that facilitate healthy lung function. We can have antibody tests AND mindfulness stress reduction exercises.
During this stressful time, I hope each of you are finding ways to reduce as much stress as possible. Stress increases cortisol, cortisol drops immune function. But, don’t let that stress you out! Instead, reach out for help and we will get you on a plan to build your natural immunity.