I’ve heard great things about the effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and had to find out what it was like for myself!
Read moreWhere Are My Recovering People Pleasers At?
I am a recovering people pleaser. And, while I have worked hard to set healthy boundaries, I am still - at my core- someone who deeply loves to see other people happy.
Most of the time, this is a great quality for a healing professional. Sometimes, it is not.
Read moreBeen There for Self Care: IV Drip Therapy
I always tell my daughter that my super power is finding people that are better at me than things and then letting them shine. This power has guided me to the most badass group of friends who always seem to expose me to new ways to thrive. One such friend told me about MSW Lounge in Austin, TX. This hidden gem offers IV drips, chiropractic work, nutritional supplements, and so much more. The owners are a dynamic duo of kind, friendly and passionate men who are super pleasant to chat with and ooze competence.
The set up is funky and comfortable and you feel like you’re hanging out in someones professional back yard treehouse. They have a series of options to choose from and I opted for the immune-boosting IV drip which is a concoction of awesomeness to keep my body healthy — even more important during pandemic times. I chose a comfy couch and pulled out a book. The IV insertion was painless and the bag happily dripped nourishment into my veins as I read, relaxed and chatted with various other friendly clients.
There is no attempt to upsell clients and the overall vibe is a focus on community health and wellness. The owners offer weekly lunch & learn opportunities and are committed to educating the public on true holistic health options.
I’d recommend wearing an extra layer as I got a bit chilly towards the end, and be sure to not schedule yourself too tightly because the IV drip speed is dependent on your body. Mine took around 45 minutes give or take.
I felt incredibly relaxed for the remainder of the day, but also had plenty of energy and wasn’t even tempted to drink my forbidden -yet common- afternoon cup of coffee. Prevention is often harder to track, but my body felt fantastic and my brain felt clearer than normal. It was a very pleasant experience and I will be back for sure.
Definitely a GO THERE for self care!
Building Natural Immunity
Covid-19 has really turned our world upside down. We are being inundated by strong yet conflicting opinions and we never know if we are over or under-reacting in any given moment. It’s hard, disorienting, and stressful. Whenever I feel this level of uncertainty and complexity, I try to take a step back and remind myself of the basic foundation of what we already know.
The virus is a pathogen. It wants to get into our body and create a new life for itself. It is looking for the easiest way to do this with the least resistance.
Our body is a protector. It wants to stay kick out any intruders. A healthy immune system is an inhospitable host for a virus. A healthy immune system is the equivalent of a bad hotel review on Trip Advisor - as a virus is looking for a place to stay it’s going to go to the 5-star recommendations of people with weakened immune systems.
If a virus were rating your body in terms of an accommodating host, where would you rank?
We know how to create an unwelcoming environment for a virus: healthy food, vitamins/supplements, sunshine/nature, exercise, restful sleep, laughter, meditation, sex, water, stress reduction. Living a life in balance.
There are lots of specific recommendations around each of these basic, foundational elements of health and I’m happy to talk more with you about this to create an optimal plan for your individual health.
It was sad to see Instagram remove the #naturalimmunity. I hope they’ve put it back online when this is published. I’m not sure why that happened, but it seems like the conservative Western medical practitioners don’t want some of the more ‘alternative’ modalities being shared. I’m not sure why it can’t be a: let’s benefit from both approach. We can have vaccines AND high dosing of vitamin D, C and zinc. We can have respirators AND Chinese herbs that facilitate healthy lung function. We can have antibody tests AND mindfulness stress reduction exercises.
During this stressful time, I hope each of you are finding ways to reduce as much stress as possible. Stress increases cortisol, cortisol drops immune function. But, don’t let that stress you out! Instead, reach out for help and we will get you on a plan to build your natural immunity.
Acid Reflux: Stomach Acid Is Awesome, Too Much or Too Little Stomach Acid is Awful
It’s kind of the like the story of Goldilocks and the 3 Bears where she finds one porridge too hot, one too cold, and one juuuuust right. In order to be helpful, the level of stomach acid needs to be just right. Unfortunately, many of us are suffering from a stomach acid imbalance and pop antacids like they’re candy without truly understanding what’s going on. First of all, let’s back up and let me make the case for why the stomach secretes hydrochloric acid and why this stomach acid is awesome:
Stomach acid helps you digest protein.
It helps protect your gut against infection and food poisoning.
It facilitates the absorption of vitamin B12 (which is a totally badass and necessary vitamin).
It creates signals to other organs to release the helpful digestive enzymes and tells the gut muscles to contract making the digestive process run smoothly. The right amount of stomach acid even signals the flap (aka lower esophageal sphincter) from the esophagus to the stomach to close and open.
When stomach acid is too high it wreaks havoc and can lead to stomach ulcers and overall chaos. I had acid reflux in the later stages of pregnancy and I empathize with anyone experiencing this uncomfortable situation. I’ve even had patients who thought they were having a heart attack and met with a cardiologist only to be told it was stomach acid irritation the tissues near the heart! Too little stomach acid also wreaks havoc and can lead to low B12 levels which can eventually show up as tingling/altered sensation in the limbs and anemia. It can be hard to know if your acid reflux is due to excess or deficiency as the early symptoms manifest the same way. The deficiency acid reflux can be thought of as a gas tank running out of gas where it spurts and sputters and overefforts to get the insufficient gas where it needs to go. Kind of sweet, but also totally uncomfortable.
While it is always a good idea to check in with your primary physician, a quick way to check if your stomach acid is deficient or excess is to either a) take a stomach acid supplement and see if it gets better or worse (note this may seem counterintuitive, but often solves the problem!) or b) an even simpler way is to take a spoonful of apple cider vinegar each day and see if the symptoms improve or worsen. If you get better it was a deficiency pattern. If you get worse it’s usually excess.
For those of you who are constantly reaching for the antacids, it’s important to know there are different types, and there can be undesirable side effects - especially with long term use. Antacids are usually over-the-counter bases (I just went straight chemistry on you!) which neutralize the excess acid. While I STRONGLY prefer acupuncture and herbs over these types of pharmaceuticals, I get that sometimes sh*t happens and you’re traveling or whatever. If that’s the case, and you can’t come see me or get to the magical herbal remedies: consider choosing the ‘best’ antacid for you. My “Chemistry for Dummies” book (yep, how did you think I got through that doctoral class?!) notes that people with high blood pressure may want to avoid the sodium bicarbonate antacids as the sodium ion may increase blood pressure! Those concerned with osteoporosis may want to use the antacid with calcium carbonate. But, large doses may cause constipation. The third group of antacids is the hydroxides (aluminium and magnesium) is a balancing act as aluminium hydroxide can cause constipation in large doses, while magnesium hydroxide can serve as a laxative in large doses. With all these side effects, acupuncture and herbs are looking better and better. . . right? See you soon.
How The Heck Do I Follow My Acupuncturist's Recommendations?
Have you ever left your acupuncturist’s office with magnets stuck on your ears and a list of things to do at home? S/he probably gave you all the information you needed, but you were relaxed and drifting on a post acupuncture cloud of happiness. You probably nodded compliantly and left. Then, you probably got home and wondered, "How the heck do I do the things my acupuncturist told me?” Well, you no longer have to call in and get a refresher on your homework assignments, because. . .
My amazing business partner Nicole with As You Are Acupuncture and I started a YouTube Channel!!!!!!
Current videos include tips on:
Ear Seed Care
Piriformis Stretch
Neck Stretch
Abdominal Breathing
Taking Granule Herbs
Using a Moxa Stick
Hand Qigong
Making Congee
Foot Plantar Stretch
Foam Rolling
Low Back Stretch
And, much more! Plus, you can always reach out to us and let us know topics you’d like us to cover.
As always, if you are having a medical concern, please reach out to your primary physician and always take care of your safety and health. Nicole and I only guarantee that we will be drinking too much coffee, laughing too much, making mistakes, and having an absolute blast.
Let us know your thoughts.
Talk-Sick is Toxic
Photo by Jason Rosewell on Unsplash
We know that we should avoid drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, excessive sugar, etc. We have a Poison Control Center to call if we ingest certain chemicals. But, who do we call when what we are ‘ingesting’ isn’t a material? What about when it is negative talk from others or —even worse — from ourselves. It’s a phenomenon I’ve started calling ‘talk-sick.’
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